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  • Deprecated function: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in Drupal\Core\Controller\ArgumentResolver\RawParameterValueResolver->supports() (line 18 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Controller/ArgumentResolver/RawParameterValueResolver.php).
  • Deprecated function: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in Drupal\Core\Controller\ArgumentResolver\RawParameterValueResolver->supports() (line 18 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Controller/ArgumentResolver/RawParameterValueResolver.php).
27 Mar 2019

An Equal and Opposite Reaction

An Equal and Opposite Reaction

Kristy Johnsson
27 Mar 2019, a topic

Mar 21, 2018

Image via Melting Vinyl

Can you imagine what the human experience would be like if it wasn’t so dogged by the near ubiquitous onslaught of predatory capitalism and those who are most invested in its continuation?

So much incredible human creativity, energy, imagination, devotion, insight, beauty is lost to a world that won’t let us rest… all so we have a roof over our heads, a meal, and some medical care. Is that the price we have to pay for mere existence? I hate to say it… but is it worth it? The endless wars, the stagnant wages, the defunct democracy? All for a thousand choices of apps and box stores, a new iPhone every 3 months? Is that what we end up with at the end of all these long, hard days? Is this the boon of capitalism, the culmination of thousands of years of civilization?


We can do so much better for ourselves, for each other. It isn’t resistance that drives the desire for a better world, but a deep love for and silent, grounded knowing of what we really are.

I sat across from a client today that I’ve worked with for some time. She’s so animated, so alive, even as a single mother struggling from day to day as an undocumented immigrant, she glows. And some part of me was breathless with the clarity of how gorgeous we humans are. Even under the relentless oppression of such normalized exploitation for the benefit of a few.

We are so beautiful.

So do it: imagine a world where you aren’t constantly afraid of how many green pieces of paper you have and if they’ll all go away. Imagine living a life where the basics necessary for survival are guaranteed, and you are genuinely safe to explore the magnificence of your inner and outer world. Where you can birth endless expressions of beauty with each moment of awe that finds you, to whatever extent you wish.

If we can build weapons capable of annihilating millions of human beings in a single instant, we are capable of an equal and opposite reaction: a world where we can unfold as the innately fantastic, incredible, stunningly beautiful beings that we are. We can choose that instead.