
Error message

Deprecated function: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in Drupal\Core\Controller\ArgumentResolver\RawParameterValueResolver->supports() (line 18 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Controller/ArgumentResolver/RawParameterValueResolver.php).

The Gift of Consciously Connecting to Anger, aka Social Justice, Heart-Work, and Evolution Part 1.5

“Everything’s going pretty well in my life, but I feel **so much anger! **” “I can’t get past how much anger I feel! I want to feel better, but I am stuck.” “How can I **not** be angry, have you seen what’s going on in the world?” “Being angry is a negative emotion and now is not the time to be negative.”


The feedback from “Social Justice, Heart-Work, and Evolution. Part 1, of 2” had 1 of 3 flavors, generally speaking.


Now Exercise

Lisa leads us through the N.O.W. tool in a guided rest exercise, practicing opening to and welcoming sensations, thoughts, and images in our experience.


Rest Amidst The Hurricane

Lisa offers a guided rest in which we focus on the breath as a grounding point - the eye of the hurricane that our thoughts, emotions, and experience can sometimes be.   

27 Mar 2019

On Discovering the Sanity of Freaking Out

Looking back, I recognise that I was anxious from a very young age, but the extent of the anxiety didn’t become apparent until I was in my late twenties and started having panic attacks. A close friend of mine had dropped dead in tragic circumstances a few days before they started, and very soon I found myself facing the suppressed horror and grief of a previous loss, the death of my best friend in an accident when we were eighteen.


On The Insanity of Denial

Denial runs deep in our various cultures, and seems particularly prevalent just now. Climate change deniers are turning their backs on worldwide scientific consensus. There are those who deny that well-documented events – including the Holocaust – ever happened. Some even deny that the earth is round. The human mind, it seems, has an extraordinary capacity for denial, even of the most obvious facts.