
Error message

Deprecated function: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in Drupal\Core\Controller\ArgumentResolver\RawParameterValueResolver->supports() (line 18 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Controller/ArgumentResolver/RawParameterValueResolver.php).

Calling Forth Love

In this 20-minute video we gently call forth your nervous system, while we call forth Love. At times “Love” is used interchangeably with “God”. When you hear these words, substitute the word of your choice- whatever word you feel comfortable to reference that which is greater than your small self. 


The Gift of Consciously Connecting to Anger, aka Social Justice, Heart-Work, and Evolution Part 1.5

“Everything’s going pretty well in my life, but I feel **so much anger! **” “I can’t get past how much anger I feel! I want to feel better, but I am stuck.” “How can I **not** be angry, have you seen what’s going on in the world?” “Being angry is a negative emotion and now is not the time to be negative.”


The feedback from “Social Justice, Heart-Work, and Evolution. Part 1, of 2” had 1 of 3 flavors, generally speaking.