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Deprecated function: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in Drupal\Core\Controller\ArgumentResolver\RawParameterValueResolver->supports() (line 18 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Controller/ArgumentResolver/RawParameterValueResolver.php).

A Blast from the Heart #1

The Emperors Are Naked, As Are We All

The world itself appears to be in the throes of a dark night. The old structures, now demonstrably rotten, are falling apart. The nakedness of the emperors and their courtiers has been exposed, despite their desperate attempts to persuade us of the finery of their clothing. [1]

The Dark Night of the Soul, Afterword, page 157


God, the Thorn in my Side- Unraveling our Childhood Gods

I have a story to share.

This story starts with a Facebook post I made after finishing a session with a client.

“When our parents aren’t safe, available, loving gods, we become vigilant and over responsible gods, thinking it’s all up to us, with wounds in our hearts.”

It’s been a long time coming, sharing this publicly. I’d experienced it in myself, and had been seeing it with my clients for years. It has been such a pivotal part of my embodiment journey that I’m currently writing a book about it – yet never blogged about it.


Another Way

I wonder if sometimes we don’t even realize there’s another way? That it is possible to not be bound to compulsions /addictions, to certain ways of being, to identification, to depression or anxiety. There seems to be a complacency or acceptance with stuff that makes us suffer. Or maybe we like our fantasies and pretend world too much, not realizing how much suffering this brings us? I wonder if we are just so used to our various “have tos” and our various dramas that we assume that’s just how it is. I come across new things in my own patterning constantly- it’s all open for exploration.


A simple 13 minute rest/meditation

I've often found facilitated rest recordings useful- where someone else is holding the space for me, so to speak, and guide me. Feel free to push the pause button at any time while listening, so you can sit longer with what is arising.

10 Apr 2019

Resting with an agitated mind and nervous system

During this video I will keep bringing you back to simple things of this moment to help ground and stabilize your nervous system. Repeating the video and doing it a few times, or sections a few times, maybe helpful. Listening often also will be helpful in re-wiring your habitual brain patterns. Feel free to push pause at any point while listening/watching. After listening you may be then ready to do some more meditation and/or self inquiry.

10 Apr 2019